
Product reviews for 3XTREME PAIN CREAM

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"Oh My Gosh" AWESOME
All I can say is that this product is so awesome...…..Over the past 3 1/2 weeks I have had muscle spasms in my right arm, shoulder and neck; all due to pinched nerves in my neck and upper back. Since receiving the "3XTREME PAIN CREAM" I have been able to sleep at night and awaken in the morning with NO pain. Mind you this cream has only been available one (1) week as of today!!! Thank you  - so glad I am a part of this wonderful family!!
Willie J | 10/16/2019 9:02 PM
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Torn achilles
I tore my achilles a few weeks back playing basketball. I started with a pain level of 7. Started using the 3extreme pain cream and my pain levels have dropped to about a 2. I can walk fine in the boot and allows me to go to work. The Dr did prescribe me some pain pills but they are not needed because of the cream. I put it on first thing in the morning before work and before I go to bed. This stuff really works!!
Bobby | 11/20/2019 12:57 PM
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This is an awesome fast acting cream that last....
ROSALIND | 12/12/2019 2:41 PM
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Nerve Pain
I had a stroke many years ago and still experience nerve pain in my hands and feet. I rub a small on my hands and feet and I feel better in minutes. I don't to have to apply any more for days.
Dionne | 12/19/2019 9:44 AM
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Extremely effective
I ALWAYS keep this product on me.   I used for the 1st time after waking up with an extremely sore neck likely due to overdoing it at the gym.  It's a small jar but the contents go a LONG way.  I used maybe about half the size of a dime, rubbed it on; and within a minute the pain was nearly gone.  I've since used it for shoulder and foot pain.  The smell is pleasant and it DEFINITELY penetrates with a soothing, cool feeling.  So grateful for this product!
Ricardo | 1/28/2020 9:58 PM
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The Real Deal!
I love 3XTREME! Severe headaches, back pain, cramping, it works and super fast! A little goes a long way and it has the most wonderful relaxing sensation as it eases the pain away.
LaKesha | 2/3/2020 11:15 PM
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3xtreme pain cream
Wow! I put  3xtreme on & the pain subsided in a matter of minutes.  Plus, I just love the natural smell of the cream. It does wonders!
Wanda | 2/11/2020 8:37 PM
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My parents have body aches and pains so my cousin recommended this product. Im surprised this came in 4 days after! Ive had muscle soreness so I decided to try it out myself. Its not your typical pain cream because this one actually works wonders! no complaints at all! Love this product.
Daniel | 4/20/2020 3:39 AM
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Love it
When I heard 3XTREME PAIN CREAM was coming, I had to try it.  I had some minor knee pain.  I bought the 3XTREME PAIN CREAM & it works instantly.
Owen | 4/24/2020 11:53 AM
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Pain Is NO Match for 3xtreme !
I've used this product for muscle pain, headaches,  bone on bone pain, and it's fast, effective, and long-lasting. I've shared samples of it with individuals suffering from bone-on-bone pain, shoulder pain, and the results I've seen bring tears to your eyes. They're all regular users of 3xtreme now!
K Nathan | 4/29/2020 11:02 AM
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Bye Bye Aches and Pains
The 3 Extreme is a household staple.  It is fantastic on muscular aches and pains.

The bonus is how effective it is for relaxation!!!  I dab on the temples leaves you relaxed and ready for dream land.

It is WONDERFUL on tight angry muscles.
Lisa | 5/30/2020 11:38 PM
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Awesome Product
My wife & I have severe pain from medical conditions and this product is great and offers quick results.  I would recommend this to anyone with similar ailments.
Mckinley | 6/5/2020 2:52 PM
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Helps with Migraines
This 3XTREME has helped so much when I have bad headaches. I put it on the back of my neck and on my temples and massage it. I massage on and around the area where it hurts, I also put the 3XTREME on my hands and massage my pressure points. This definitely helps.
Crystal | 6/9/2020 2:21 PM
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The 3Xtreme Cream
What an amazing product with quick action results. I recommend that anyone with pain, try this immediately. You will be glad you did.
Rena | 8/30/2020 11:13 AM
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1500mg Tincture
Talk about body balanced, calmness, and feeling great throughout the day, this will do it!
I am so pleased with its overall results. I hope others will take advantage of this remarkable product. Thumbs up!!
Rena | 8/30/2020 11:19 AM
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Arthritis—“GET TO STEPPIN”...
Omg, I first used this product at it’s launching during the Atlantic City Nationals in 2019–my 1st Convention.  It was AMAZING... I had fallen off a CTA bus in Chicago onto my right knee, in 2017...went into ER and had those knee shots several times (didn’t work) and went to therapy (no relief) finally ended up having to use a walking cane (how embarrassing—I’m too vain for that).  My Sistagirl invited me the Nationals in Atlantic City, I’ve never been...feeling a little depressed, I said 👍🏽.  I had to have wheelchair service (gate2gate) and my cane to walk.  She had promised that I would enjoy myself and gain knowledge about the company and it’s products.  I trust her so we went.  The 1st day of the Convention, we stayed at the Sheraton right across the street from the Convention Center—it was raining so we used the catwalk to get there (after a mis-calculation of distance) I thought I was going to die...I was in sooo much pain, I nearly broke down in 😭; but I put on a brave face and bared the pain— honestly, I have a “high tolerance” for pain, but NOT that day.  We finally made it to the Convention doors and there was a line that was unbelievable...thank God, He made it possible for those of us who needed assisted help to come to the front of the line (you may spot me on a few pics) with the other ladies on walking 🚶‍♀️ canes, walkers, and wheelchairs  👨‍🦼 🦽 🦼 .   The Information received was wonderful, BUT, the BEST part was my being lucky to get a FREE Sample of the NEW 3XTREME Triple Action Pain Cream!!!! WOW 🤩 Initially, I was skeptical...I realized I had to make a powder room break, and I dreaded getting-up cause I knew I would be in P-A-I-N, but, I tried a little of it on my knee (rubbing it in ever so gently) and within a matter  of a few seconds, honestly, less than a minute. I got up walked to the back, went to powder room and came back to my seat 💺 and looked to my right —the cane was still there.  I didn’t even realize I had left it. Glory! Yes!!!  So, I immediately use a little more and walked out of the center down about 6 blocks or so, to RUTH CHRIS Steakhouse (my favorite restaurant) had a very enjoyable dinner, with a glass of Vueve Cliquot , met some very nice staff people there and walked back to the hotel.  I can honestly say, it was EXCITING to me, because my PAIN was completely gone.   ALL I CAN SAY IS, “if you got  excruciating pain — Get this product — 3XTREME Triple Action Pain Cream — it truly “Kicks Butt” on Pain...and you body will tell that pain to “Get To STEPPIN”!
THERESA | 10/1/2020 12:18 PM
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I have bone on bone knees.  I started to use this 2 or 3 times a day and felt much better.  Then my next-door neighbor asked if I had gotten my knees replaced because i was walking so much straighter.  That's when I realized just how much better my knees are and how amazing this product works!
Ellen | 10/1/2020 3:25 PM
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3 times more powerful!
The regular pain cream works for my pains, but if my pain is much worse, I use this 3XTREME and it does not fail me.  Always works, for any pain, 100% of the time. No pain, just gain!
Lea | 10/1/2020 8:13 PM
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Bone on Bone
3XTREME pain Cream is a lifesaver for my husband and for my neck & back pain.  I have had this on auto-ship since being launched by the company. It rubs on easy, with no residue, and it really helps us get through our long days.
Janice | 11/18/2020 10:07 AM
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3xtrem cream
I met this young couple while going to a takeout chicken store and they saw I was in pain.
They told me about a product called PDQ and gave me a sample.  WOOO it worked!
I called OXZEGEN and ordered a regular size of PDQ and 3Xtreme.
I took the sample to work and showed a few other people.  They were so impressed and ordered some too!
Thank You, King &Kylea for giving me the free samples.
Charles | 2/3/2021 6:21 PM
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I absolutely love our 3Xtreme Pain Cream!  I've had lower back pain on and off for years due to sciatica. When it starts to flare up I quickly reach for our 3Xtreme Pain Cream.  It doesn't fail me.  It's concentrated and fast-acting!  Before I know it, I've forgotten about the pain.  Great product!
Denise | 9/13/2021 11:37 PM
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